Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Ten Weeks.


Ten weeks until I will be boarding a plane and making my way back to Uganda. These last couple days I've had the chance to sit and talk with a couple people about my trip and as I've sat sipping my latte and dreaming up dreams I realize how hard this is for me. I've said it a few times now, but I truly feel it in my bones, I believe the lead up to this adventure will be as stretching as the 4 months in Uganda itself.

I'm realizing how awkward I am, how uncomfortable I get, and how fidget-y I become when talking about money. I know, if I am supposed to be in Jinja on the 15th of May, the Lord will make a way, He will provide funds, and He will do so with out breaking a sweat. Me on the other... not so much.

I think in this season I'm learning a completely new lesson in money. One where I see not just provision for provisions sake, but provision from the abundance of God. It should be my joy to partner with those who are willing to step out with the Gospel, and my prayer is I will step out in joy. I will be bold. I will ask boldly. I will pray boldly. I will believe boldly.

Maybe that is what this season is all about, even more than a lesson of money, a lesson in believing, asking, and seeking huge things, from our huge God. I always find myself giving caveats, so that I don't have to pray for big things, almost like I don't want to push God too far... I don't want too ask for to much. BUT COME ON, that's just ridiculous! I know this! I need to act like it!

 Why does the Creator of the Universe need me to make excuses? Why does the One who put the Earth into motion need me to ask for 'little-er' things so He does get overwhelmed? He DOESNT! He does not need my excuses, He does not need my small asks. He wants me to come boldly to His throne, too ask with all of me, too believe and pray from the depths of my soul. He does not need my justification.

Oh, Lord, make me Bold.

Acts 4:29 'Enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness.' 

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