So about a year and a half ago, I took my first loooooooong
flight to the other side of the world to meet the country I had been dreaming of
since I was 14. Huh?
Yup. Dream come true. Even if I had planned the trip myself,
I could not have made it any more perfect. I got to meet kids that stole my
heart. I made pipe cleaner glasses till I couldn't rip them apart anymore. I fell
in love. I experienced a country that I
had only heard about. It was incredible.
But. I had to leave. But. I had to say goodbye. But. I had
to kiss the cheeks of little faces I had only begun to get to know. Talk about
breaking my heart. As I sat in the plane that was taking me back to the US, I
cried. And cried. And cried. My poor travel partners. Those poor flight
attendants. It was probably halfway to Khartoum did I finally pull it together.
If I had to put that trip into a neat little box, and tie it off with a nice little bow, I would have described it as God pouring out gift after gift onto me. He didn't have to send me to Kampala. He didn't have to let me see the incredible ministry that was going on in this country. He didn't have to reveal to me over and over again that He forever keeps His promises. But He did. He did over and over and over again.
I knew deep down I would see that place again. I knew I
would one day walk through that rich red dirt, where the smiles of
strangers were so quick to be shared. And. I felt that my heart would again be reunited
with the people I love. And I cannot wait for the 5th to hurry up
and get here.
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